Thursday, May 16, 2013

November and December

About 2 weeks before Thanksgiving I found out I was pregnant. Things were still up in the air about Elinam but the thought of having another baby in the house before Elinam turned 1 was scary. Thankfully for her, Elinam was able to go back home to her parents at the beginning of December.

I worked on Thanksgiving day, but the 2 days before was terribly sick with a stomach virus. I got it from Cara and Cephas had it too, but on a smaller scale. I am so thankful for my mom because she took care of Cara and Elinam on the day I was really sick.

I didn't tell my family the news of the pregnancy until Christmas Day. I was very surprised I was able to keep it a secret that long. I got a "Big Sister" shirt for Cara and she wore it to my parent's house on Christmas Day. I was already almost 12 weeks by that time.

Looking back I realize how bad I am about taking pictures... I have none from Christmas! I have accepted this part of myself but know it is a horrible thing not to document our lives, especially for Cara.
This was about the week before Elinam left us... she was growing so big!

And she was such a happy baby, always smiling

When Cara was sick I made her a pallet on the floor and let her watch a lot of TV and she even fell asleep for a little bit.

Picking out our Christmas tree

Making macaroni necklaces on 12/12/12

Gingerbread houses with Aunt Terre and Ethan

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