Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cara turn's 3... and it's a girl!

Cara's birthday was on a Thursday this year. Her actual birthday was quite uneventful. I was still trying to recover from pneunomia, and had gotten really behind on everything. I was pretty much in survival mode. But, I still managed to make her a cute outfit and take a few pictures.

Cara helped me make brownies for her class. Too bad they didn't turn out and I ended up having to go buy some cupcakes that morning so she would have a treat for her friends at school.

Cara's birthday outfit she wore to school

I had my 20 week ultrasound the day before Cara's birthday and I really wanted to do a gender reveal cake but the bakery by us was moving and was closed that week. So, Cephas and I went ahead and found out during the ultrasound that the baby was a girl and then I made a cake to tell my family. I was going to do it on Cara's birthday at my mom's house. However, my parents couldn't wait, so I went ahead and told them. So, the cake was really only for my sister, and she already figured it was a girl. If you can't tell the icing it a light pink color.

Cara got a foot massage from Aunt Terre for her birthday... she is spoiling her much too young!

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