Soo, we closed on our house on a Thursday afternoon. We got the keys on Friday and with the help of my sister, I cleaned as much as I could. It was Friday night that we brought Cara over to see the house. Then, we moved on Saturday and Cephas and I spent the first night in the house but Cara stayed with my parents. On Sunday, while we were unpacking, we got a call about our niece Elinam, that we would need to take care of her for a while. Sunday night was Cara's first night in the new house. Monday was Labor Day and we got up around 6am to drive down to Atlanta to pick up Elinam. Cephas was back at work Tuesday and I was at our new house, surrounded by boxes, with a 2 year old and a newborn that we didnt know we were going to have. Then, Wednesday was Cara's first day of preschool. Needless to say, that first week was a real whirlwind. Here are some pictures of that time.

We didn't really know what to expect when we got to Atlanta on that day, but wanted to bring Cara with us to help her understand what was going on, didn't want to just show up at home with a baby when we had no time to talk to her or prepare her about it. So, Pop rode down with us to help with Cara if needed
Elinam was such a tiny baby. Only 3 days old at 5lb 7oz at birth
Cara's first day of pre school
The week we moved was also the week Cara learned to pedal her bicycle all by herself (thanks to Nana for teaching her!). I think the smooth garage floor may have helped.
Cara helping wash bottles. She used to love helping me wash dishes during those days. Not so much anymore...
Elinam was pretty much the easiest baby ever. She slept all the time and hardley ever cried. Don't let those chubby cheeks fool you though, she was teeny tiny. Everytime we went out people would comment on how little she was and how she looked like a doll. Cara even got used to saying to people, "She's a teeny tiny baby."
Big girl Cara with baby cousin Elinam
Cara loved holding Elinam, but Elinam didn't like it so much. The newness eventually wore off but Cara was so helpful and caring and thoughtful towards Elinam. She even offered to share her blanket with her on the car ride home from Atlanta. Cara loved having Elinam at our house.