Sunday, February 20, 2011

BC (Before Cara)

Before I had Cara and it was 70 degrees in February, I would usually go about my business and stay inside. But the last week or two has been so enjoyable. I have gone to a park almost everyday, gone on long walks with my husband, and even drove with the windows open! There is something about having Cara that makes me want to go outside and enjoy the weather.

It couldn't just be this cute little face I have looking up at me that makes me want to enjoy this weather. Or...

This amazing little boy who walked so far (even uphill) yesterday that he amazed us all!

What two cousins love each other more?


Anonymous said...

It was great! To top it off we went to a fish place for dinner. And the babies were SO good. I had the best time.


Sarajane said...
