Friday, January 28, 2011

What have we been doing?

Playing with our cousin, Ethan
And going out to dinner with Mommy and Daddy

Today Cara is 11 months old. Just one more month and she will be ONE! Her hair is really growing, it is "fluffy" now and we will fluff it out and she looks like she just came from the beauy salon (see above picture). She is currently cutting THREE teeth and has all the symptoms that come with that (including the sleepless nights)! After dinner last night I realized we are becomming those people who waitresses hate. There was more food on the floor under our table than what really got in Cara's mouth. Also, as we were eating someone was seated next to us and before even sitting down, asked the hostess to move them. The joys of parenthood :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cara takes such good naps

**When my dad saw the post before last, he said, "Who puts a picture of their toilet on the internet." Then, Cephas asked me what was in the toilet because it looked like a condom (it was a plastic cup, for those of you who didn't know). I guess my "careful posting" was not so careful.**

We are still adjusting back to our schedule after being out of school for Christmas break. Having two snow days and then a holiday helped ease the pain some. On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Cara and I went to my sister's house and met my parents there. This is what Cara did when it was nap time.

If you can't tell, this is a picture of Cara in my sister's video monitor. If you could see her face, you would see her crying. She slept all of 30 minutes, sat up, and started crying again. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Careful Posting

It is probably a good thing that I am such an open person, since yesterday I found out my work friend, Kathy, showed my blog to my supervisor. The funny thing is, my supervisor asked if she was allowed to look at it. So, since I know she may read this, I should put on record that I have a great supervisor! I guess I should stop posting when I am supposed to be working (like right now, since I am on this weekend).

On a different note, What have I done to solve the delimma in my last post? Well, I am so clever, I thought to put the trashcan on the counter. Now, I just have to find a way to keep Cara away from the toilet brush and plunger. Notice how the bathroom is still sparkling clean? I would never post a picture of what my bathroom normally looks like, you know, pre-bleach cleaning.

And how did that cup from the pile of junk get into that toilet? Shouldn't someone be watching Cara, or discouraging her from playing in the toilet? Where is her daddy when we need him?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow Days

I could not sleep on Saturday night, and was up until 3am making this pile of stuff to get rid of. I had spent the whole day helping my sister move, and decided I had too much stuff! The pile remains there today, and Cara enjoys going through the things, pulling them out, all over my bedroom. I really need to haul them away to my mom's house until the weather get warm enough for a yard sale.

Monday and Tuesday were snow days, so I was stuck in the house. My cleaning/organizing bug continued and I scrubbed the whole bathroom (top to bottom-literally-I even scrubbed the walls!) with bleach (I know, I should have used something natural, like vinegar, but I don't know if vineager would have really cleaned all of that dirt). To be honest, I don't know that I had cleaned the bathroom since Cara was born. Cephas has been maintaining it, and I would spot clean at times, but it was bad people. Then, the rest of the day I had a headache from the fumes. On a side note, does anyone have any tips/suggestions on how I can keep Cara out of the bathroom while I am getting ready. She likes to follow me in there, and then usually ends up around the toilet area, or in the trashcan (both places I would rather her steer clear of). Today I had to close the door, with her on the outside, and she screamed the whole time!

Next, I added the the pile above, by going through the kitchen and living room, deciding on more things to get rid of. Then, at about 9:30pm on Tuesday night, I decided to take my Christmas lights down.

And what do you do with your frozen Christmas lights when you get them inside? You have to put them on towels, of course, so they will melt and dry before you store them away for the year. Please also notice my husband in the background. He is being so understanding and helpful during my cleaning/organizing madness. I don't know how I would have gotten everything done without him. (Do you hear the sarcasm in that comment)

And in between all of that, I still managed to take a few pictures of the star "playing" in her first snow. Ok, I admit, she really was not fond of the snow, but she liked looking at it.

Can you tell how late in the day I took these pictures?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pictureless Post

We have all been sick here at the Agbeke house. It started with Cephas, he gave it to me, then Cara got it, then Cephas got it back. At one point I thought Cara might have Pink Eye and actually broke down and brought her to the doctor. I don't want to jinx us, but I am thinking that we are getting to the end of it.

This weekend, we helped my sister and her family move into their new apartment in Fort Mill. I don't think I have ever worked that much in my life. Saturday night, I couldn't fall asleep until 3am and during all of that awake time, I went through all of my belongings in my head and decided what I could get rid of.

Today is a snow day, school and work are both closed, but since I work when the office is closed, I am actually working today.

Cara is getting more picky about her food. She used to never reject anything, but now will spit things out when she doesn't want to eat them. Any suggestions on how I should handle this? What I have been doing is when she does this, I will stop feeding her and then offer her the same food again a few minutes later. Sometimes that works and she will go ahead and eat it. She mostly spits out vegetables (like her mother) and will eat most fruist without complaint.

On Friday I took Ethan (my nephew) for a few hours so my sister could get a few things done. Like a good aunt, I took him for his first Happy Meal at McDonalds. He liked the food, but was not too excied about the Sprite, I think the carbonation was too much for him. Also, once he saw the peas that Cara were eating, he wanted those more than the chicken nuggets. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures because it was my first outing with too kids. I was lucky to just get both of them inside and fed.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dear Cara,

Dear Cara,

When you have a cold, and I use a bulb syringe to clear your nose, or wipe your face after you finish eating, or wipe your runny nose, I promise, I am not trying to kill you. I would never try to kill you.

