I could not sleep on Saturday night, and was up until 3am making this pile of stuff to get rid of. I had spent the whole day helping my sister move, and decided I had too much stuff! The pile remains there today, and Cara enjoys going through the things, pulling them out, all over my bedroom. I really need to haul them away to my mom's house until the weather get warm enough for a yard sale.
Monday and Tuesday were snow days, so I was stuck in the house. My cleaning/organizing bug continued and I scrubbed the whole bathroom (top to bottom-literally-I even scrubbed the walls!) with bleach (I know, I should have used something natural, like vinegar, but I don't know if vineager would have really cleaned all of that dirt). To be honest, I don't know that I had cleaned the bathroom since Cara was born. Cephas has been maintaining it, and I would spot clean at times, but it was bad people. Then, the rest of the day I had a headache from the fumes. On a side note, does anyone have any tips/suggestions on how I can keep Cara out of the bathroom while I am getting ready. She likes to follow me in there, and then usually ends up around the toilet area, or in the trashcan (both places I would rather her steer clear of). Today I had to close the door, with her on the outside, and she screamed the whole time!
Next, I added the the pile above, by going through the kitchen and living room, deciding on more things to get rid of. Then, at about 9:30pm on Tuesday night, I decided to take my Christmas lights down.

And what do you do with your frozen Christmas lights when you get them inside? You have to put them on towels, of course, so they will melt and dry before you store them away for the year. Please also notice my husband in the background. He is being so understanding and helpful during my cleaning/organizing madness. I don't know how I would have gotten everything done without him. (Do you hear the sarcasm in that comment)
And in between all of that, I still managed to take a few pictures of the star "playing" in her first snow. Ok, I admit, she really was not fond of the snow, but she liked looking at it.
Can you tell how late in the day I took these pictures? |